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Our World 4 - Reading

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Unit 4 - Why do we sneeze

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Edad recomendada: 14 años
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Our World 4 - Reading

Unit 4 - Why do we sneeze

Sonia Martinez

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Why do we sneeze ?

Aaaaa . . . choo ! When you have a cold , you often sneeze . ? Because germs make a home in nose and they tickle you ! Sneezing is your body ? s way of sending germs out of your . Many animals sneeze , too !

What happens ? Your nose ? t like the germs , so it sends a message to a part of your brain called the ? sneeze center . ? The sneeze center sends a message to your muscles . Then all your muscles push hard . Even your push . That ? s why you close your eyes you sneeze . You have a tissue ready because the sneeze happens very quickly . A can travel as fast as a car !

Some people sneeze when they ? t have a cold . It happens when they go out into sunshine . They are called ? photic sneezers . ? Photic sneezing is inherited trait . It comes from one of your parents . you know anyone who sneezes because of the sun ?