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Packaging and label

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these paragraphs are about packaging and labeling

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Packaging and labelVersión en línea

these paragraphs are about packaging and labeling

por naldy arteaga oliva

marketing competitive package companies labeling customer label benefits refers offered ultimate brand integral made conveyed contents container manufacturer

The packaging component of a product to any in which it is for sale and on which information is . A label is an part of the and typically identifies the product or , who made it , where and when it was , how it is to be used , and package and ingredients . To a great extent , the ? s first exposure to a product is the package and label , and both are an expensive and important part of strategy .
Packaging and cost U . S . about 15 cents of every dollar spent by consumers for products . Despite their cost , packaging and labeling are essential because both provide important for the , retailer , and consumer . Packaging and labeling also can provide a advantage .

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