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double comparatives

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complete the sentences with ine word in each gap

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double comparatives

complete the sentences with ine word in each gap

Ульяна Изместьева

more higher more better better The more better worse more sooner more the bette easier

1 . richer the neighbourhood is , more homes are likely to be empty .
2 . The awareness we raise , the lives can be safed .
3 . The longer we ignore the problem , the things will bocome .
4 . Things are better in the south . The further north you go , the the levels of deprivation are .
5 . Please invite your friends : the the
6 . The all of this is over , the . It's been absolutely horrible !
7 . The complicated your password is , the , but , of course , the it is to forget , as well !
8 . The we get aid to those in need , the