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Information about this creature

Valeria Díaz Bustamante

Wendigo flesh Canada human cannibalism

Legend has it that the was a lost hunter . Facing starvation during a brutally cold winter , his intense hunger drove him to the taboo of all taboos - . Shortly after feasting on , the man transformed into a beast - like creature , destined to roam the frozen forests of and Minnesota in search of people to eat , never to be satisfied .


American spirit Native tribes

A Wendigo is a creature from folklore , specifically , Algonquin - speaking . The word itself ? Wendigo ? comes from the Algonquin word meaning ? evil . ?


humanoid feeds creature nature

Most Native American folklore describes the creature as a beast - like , that lives in the coldest parts of the world . Some people say that the Wendigo is a cannibalistic monster that on human flesh , while others believe it is a vengeful spirit that punishes those who break the laws of .


climate legend hunger cold

In some versions of the , a human transforms into a Wendigo after their spirit is weakened by extreme conditions , such as and ( typical of the Canadian ) .


greed possessed become

In other legends , humans Wendigos when they are by a spirit in their weakest moments - anyone giving into , gluttony , and excess is a likely candidate .


dreams transformation vulnerable possession body

In one particularly mysterious version of Wendigo lore , legend has it that if a person with the creature , the may become to by the Wendigo spirit ? and once the possessed person consumes human flesh , the body begins its own grotesque into a Wendigo .


victims smell strength overpower

Wendigos are believed to have exceptionally sharp eyesight , hearing , and sense of as well as superior and speed in order to stalk and their .


weakness kill eat supernatural behavior

Wendigos are powerful beings born from greed , , and the worst parts of human . Moreover , they are driven by the insatiable desire to and their victims .