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Go getter 3 reading family

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Go getter 3 reading familyVersión en línea

fill the gaps

por Olga K

easy patient bossy going tidy messy quiet organised

Living with my sister is so difficult ! She ? s very . She ? s six , so her only chores are putting her toys away and feeding our cat , Mr Paws . Her toys are always on the floor and Mr Paws ? bowl is usually empty ! I ? m and , so I often do her chores in the end . I love her , but I think I ? m too with her !

I ? m the only girl in the family . My brothers say I ? m too loud and the neighbours can hear me when I talk , but that ? s not true . We sometimes argue about what to
watch on TV . All brothers and sisters argue sometimes ! My brothers usually win and I watch the things they like , even the football . But I ? m - and I on ? t
get upset easily .

I ? m very and I like spending time on my own . I like reading or playing video games in my room . My brother is very different from me . He can ? t spend one minute on his own ! He is also very . He always tells me what to do ! Sometimes I think my best friend , Chris , is lucky ? he is an only chil d

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