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Fill in the Blanks: Variable Expenses

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Test your knowledge of variable expenses with this Fill in the Blanks game!

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Edad recomendada: 16 años
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Fill in the Blanks: Variable ExpensesVersión en línea

Test your knowledge of variable expenses with this Fill in the Blanks game!

por Aplus Language Academy

costs spending adjusted adjusted budget travel include ensure identify flexible financial discretionary clothing track save necessary essential dining eliminated consistent change Variable reduced eliminated cut month month

expenses are that can from to . They are typically and can be or if . Examples of variable expenses entertainment , out , , and . These expenses are often non - and can be or back on to money . Unlike fixed expenses , which are necessary and , variable expenses are more and can be based on personal preferences and circumstances . It is important to and monitor variable expenses to they are within and to areas where can be reduced or .

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