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Complete the facts about three explorers.

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Past simpleVersión en línea

Complete the facts about three explorers.

por Mônica Sanoli

flew wrote spoke sailed lasted became

Pytheas of Massalia , a Greek explorer , across the sea to Britain in about 325 BC . In his book , On the Ocean , he about the midnight sun in north - western Europe for the first time .


discovered lived was arrived found were

Many people believe Leif Eriksson , the Icelandic explorer , North America 500 years before Columbus . In about 1000 BC , he on his way to Greenland but the wind took him in the wrong direction . He in a place he called Vinland - probably the north - eastern coast of the USA .


walked tried drove got wanted went

In the early 19th century , Alexander von Humbolt around Latin America for five years . He and his team to climb Chimborazo mountain in Ecuador . They didn't get to the top but they higher than anyone else .

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