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Traveling Experiences

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Listen to a mom describing her traveling experiences.

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Traveling ExperiencesVersión en línea

Listen to a mom describing her traveling experiences.

por Nancy Meza


Use the words below to form words that fit in the gaps .

1 . WILLING - 2 . RESIST - 3 . RELENT - 4 . OBEDIENT - 5 . DEVIL - 6 . DIVIDE - 7 . STRESS - 8 . RESPOND - 9 . CARE - 10 . HELL - 11 . TEAR - 12 . HELP

I hate travelling . It's not that I'm ( 1 ) . It's just that I've got a problem . Four problems actually , and they're called Freddie , Charlie , Ella and Jack . Ranging in age from five down to six months , they're ( 2 ) when they're asleep . But when they're awake they're ( 3 ) . Individually they're hard work ; in twos they're a handful ; all together , they're a nightmare . More often than not , they're ( 4 ) and seem to have endless competitions to see who can behave in the most ( 5 ) way . On top of that , they all want my ( 6 ) attention at the same time .
Under these ( 7 ) circumstances , you may think that it would be foolish of me to even consider travelling alone with my children . Well , I know now that it wasn't just foolish , but downright ( 8 ) .
I wanted to visit my parents . My husband couldn't come , so I set off on the five - hour train journey with a bagful of toys , a pocketful of sweets and a headful of songs , stories and games .
But regardless of my ( 9 ) preparations , it was a ( 10 ) journey . In fact , it was one of the worst experiences of my life . The final straw was when I arrived , exhausted and ( 11 ) at my parents' house . Instead of being sympathetic , they took great delight in telling me how awful I had been as a child . Thanks , Mum and Dad , that was really ( 12 ) !

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