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Fill in the blanks

por Carlos Pimentel Hernández

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I went to 1 . - airport at 6 : 00 AM yesterday . I had to catch 2 . - flight to Paris . The lines at 3 . - airport were very long , so I had to wait 4 . - long time . Once 5 . - plane took off I tried to get some sleep but I couldn't . Then I ate 6 . - pretty good meal , 7 . - rare occurrence on airplanes ! Later , I spoke to one of 8 . - flight attendants for 9 . - while . She was pretty . She told me that 10 . - pilot of 11 . - airplane was French . I managed to fall asleep for about 12 . - hour . After I woke up , I felt refreshed . I ordered 13 . - drink , then another . Generally , it was 14 . - pretty smooth flight .

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