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Comparatives adn Superlatives

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Complete the text with these words. Use the comparative or superlayive froms of the adjectives.
ligth - extreme - hot - heavy - cold - the - than - cloudy - high - sunny - uncomfortable - more - most

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Comparatives adn SuperlativesVersión en línea

Complete the text with these words. Use the comparative or superlayive froms of the adjectives. ligth - extreme - hot - heavy - cold - the - than - cloudy - high - sunny - uncomfortable - more - most

por Sandra Edith De La Luz Sánchez

more than sunny coldest the The uncomfortable than most hotter cloudier lighter than extreme higher

I'm from Sydney Australia . The rain and Sydney is heavier than in London . London is Sidney , but the rain is . In summer , Sydney is and London and the temperature is . The temperature is often 40° . months are January and February . I left Australia in February and arrived in London day of winter . It was minus 2° .

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