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Simple Present Tense (D)

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In this exercise, you have to complete the sentences with the right words

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Completar frases

Simple Present Tense (D)Versión en línea

In this exercise, you have to complete the sentences with the right words

por Katalin V.

is goes closes teaches doesn't is watch cleans open finishes drink speaks

1 . Maria four languages .
2 . The stores in the mall usually at 9 o´clock in the morning .
3 . The city bank at 5 o´clock in the evening .
4 . Tina a teacher . She Math to young children .
5 . I often TV in the evening .
6 . Peter's car always dirty . He never it .
8 . Paul school at 2pm and home .
10 . Joe milk . He hates it .

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