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City Slicker or Country Lover?

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City Slicker or Country Lover?Versión en línea

Listening Task: Complete the text with the words missing.

por Nancy Meza

" Hi ! My name is Stephen and I live in a tiny in Brixton , south - west London . I chose to live here because there is never a moment in a city like London . I ? m an art student and the and bustle of so many people in one area is the inspiration for a lot of my painting . Another advantage of city life is having everything you need so close hand . Living beside the Tube station means I don ? t need a car to get around , saves me money . Also , there are shopping centres , art galleries and museums everywhere .
Of course , London , like any large city has its problems , too . Londoners don ? t on the Tube or the bus and there is much less spirit than in the country , where my parents live . In fact , they don ? t understand how I can put with the constant noise and pollution , and traffic congestion . However , I see that as a small price to pay . I ? m in my here in the heart of this city . As a famous poet once said , ? He who is tired of London is tired of life . ? "


" Hello ? or ? G ? day ? , as we say down under . My name is Marianna and I live in New South Wales , Australia , on a ranch called The Rain River Land . It ? s a beautiful area with fantastic . I live here with my husband Joe and our two children , Patrick , 11 , and Abby , 8 .
We have lived on this ranch for several years and love our healthy lifestyle . We have 70 , 000 hectares of , so the children have lots of space to run around and enjoy the peace and . The air is clean and fresh and we produce a lot of our own food so we are sure that what we eat is fresh . There ? s lots of hard work to do a ranch , but we don ? t mind .
Of course , there are some negative aspects to life out here . There are often in Australia , and sometimes we can ? t grow any for months . We feel sometimes , too , especially since the nearest neighbors are almost 100km away . Another problem is that many things are not as easily available as in the city . There are no local such as schools , supermarkets and shops , and if we are ill we have to call the doctor . Although life here can be difficult , we wouldn ? t change it for the world . "

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