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Adjectives describing people | Advanced

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Adjectives describing people | AdvancedVersión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

clumsiness genuine blue superstitious tough collar patient gullible illiterate moon

1 . Out of the , I received a phone call from an old friend I hadn't spoken to in years .
2 . Once in a blue , my family gathers for a reunion , as we all live in different parts of the world .
3 . He's a blue - worker who spends his days working at the construction site .
4 . She can be a bit at times , often believing in things without questioning them .
5 . Despite his , he managed to finish the delicate task without breaking anything .
6 . I've been trying to be more lately , as I know that good things come to those who wait .
7 . Her smile brightened up the room and put everyone at ease .
8 . Unfortunately , he's and struggles to read even simple sentences .
9 . Many people in that village are and follow old customs for good luck .
10 . Life as a firefighter is and demanding , requiring both physical strength and mental resilience .

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