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Advanced Adjectives | Describing people

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Advanced Adjectives | Describing peopleVersión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

genuine impatient gullible illiterate tough versatile superstitious clumsy intimidating

1 . She's a bit , always believing everything she hears .
2 . He's a bit , always dropping things and tripping over his own feet .
3 . My grandmother is quite , she won't walk under ladders and always carries a lucky charm .
4 . He's so that he can't stand waiting in long lines .
5 . Unfortunately , some people in the village are and struggle to read or write .
6 . The tall and muscular bouncer outside the club looked quite .
7 . The math exam was , but I think I managed to do well .
8 . Her smile was so warm and , you could tell she really cared .
9 . She's a actress who can excel in both drama and comedy roles .

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