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Choose the correct verbs to complete the dialog

por Gabriela Bustos

help do design is manages meet have takes introduce try

Jane : Let me you to the new finance director . This is Joe , he budgets and investments . It can be stressful at times , but it's a great job .
So Fred , tell us , what do you for work ?
Fred : Hi everyone ! I'm an IT technician . I people with computer problems .
Joe : Oh , that's cool . I a lot of computer issues myself .
Tom : Hi nice to you , Joe ! I'm just an office assistant . Nothing exciting like these guys !
Amy : Don't sell yourself short , Tom . You're the glue that holds this place together !
James : Well , I'm a sales rep . I to convince people to buy our products .
Fred : I also new products as an engineer . This Mary , she care of all HR stuff including hiring and training employees .
Joe : Wow . . . we've got quite the mix of professions here !

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