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Vocabulary Practice | Easy 1

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Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

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Vocabulary Practice | Easy 1Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

jam decaf nap turner maintain hard decompress matter invigorating out reasonable boring consume

1 . I find a walk in the park to be , especially in the morning .
2 . When things get stressful , it's important to calm and stay focused .
3 . The movie theater was - packed with excited people eager to see the new film .
4 . After a long day at work , I like to by listening to relaxing music .
5 . I prefer to drink coffee in the evening so that it doesn't affect my sleep .
6 . Sundays are my days to veg and just watch movies or read books .
7 . No how hard we try , inevitably , some things are out of our control .
8 . That novel was a real page - ; I couldn't put it down !
9 . I want to acknowledge your work and dedication to this project .
10 . As I listened to the lecture , I couldn't help but yawn a few times .
11 . Sometimes , taking a short during the day can help you feel more refreshed .
12 . The prices at the new cafe were , and the food was delicious .
13 . I'm trying to reduce the amount of sugar I for a healthier lifestyle .

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