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Reading & Understanding Nonfiction Texts Word Scramble

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🧩 Join the fun word scramble activity by Reading Readiness Centers on Educaplay! 📚 Unscramble the letters to reveal words related to "Reading and Understanding Nonfiction Texts." 🌊 Test your knowledge of headings, captions, labels, seahorse, starfish, photographs, sealife, headings, and nonfictional. 🐢🌟 Let's challenge ourselves and have an exciting time unscrambling these educational words! 🎉 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to Reading Readiness Centers for more engaging learning activities! 📖🔎

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Reading & Understanding Nonfiction Texts Word ScrambleVersión en línea

🧩 Join the fun word scramble activity by Reading Readiness Centers on Educaplay! 📚 Unscramble the letters to reveal words related to "Reading and Understanding Nonfiction Texts." 🌊 Test your knowledge of headings, captions, labels, seahorse, starfish, photographs, sealife, headings, and nonfictional. 🐢🌟 Let's challenge ourselves and have an exciting time unscrambling these educational words! 🎉 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to Reading Readiness Centers for more engaging learning activities! 📖🔎

por Reading Readiness Center

These tell us what each part is about in a text.


These are short sentences below pictures that explain things.


These point to different parts of a picture in a nonfiction text.


These creatures have vibrant colors and love hiding among sea anemones.


These creatures have five arms and can regenerate lost limbs.


These creatures are ancient reptiles that travel long distances in the ocean.


These unique creatures are known for daddies carrying and giving birth to babies.


These are the tools that act like a map to find our way in a nonfiction text.


These tools show us real pictures of things in nonfiction texts.


These texts provide true information about different things.

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