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Novel | B1 - B2

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Novel | B1 - B2Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

received invited passed bickering inspiring for time

Once upon a , in a bustling city , there lived two neighbors , Mr . Brown and Mr . Johnson . They were notorious their constant quarrels over trivial matters . Their feud had become the talk of the town , and everyone knew about the never - ending bickering between the two .

One day , Mr . Brown an unexpected letter - a lucrative inheritance that required leaving the neighborhood .

Fatigued by the constant , he sought advice from Mrs . Thompson , who persuaded him to embrace the opportunity . He accepted and moved to the impressive estate .

As months , Mr . Brown thrived in his new life , sharing his wealth and kindness . Meanwhile , Mr . Johnson regretted his behavior and sent an apology .

Touched , Mr . Brown him over , and they reconciled , leaving behind their quarrels for good . Their renewed friendship became an tale for the entire town .

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