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Changes in the shipment

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Meeting to deal with changes in the schedule of a project

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Edad recomendada: 16 años
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Changes in the shipmentVersión en línea

Meeting to deal with changes in the schedule of a project

por Madia Burgos

from on to additional going due strain consignment forward otherwise leave cleared speed have schedule fact sort supposed by As up position

Daniel : There ? s just the details of the shipment deadlines to out . We need to make some changes . Beata , I ? m already late for another meeting . Can you bring Clarice to ?
Beata : No problem , it with me .
Daniel : Great !
Beata : Daniel said , I think there ? s a problem with one of our shipment dates ? April 17th . That ? s when the delivery is to leave your factory , isn ? t it ?
Clarice : Yes , four weeks now .
Beata : And the container will arrive the 28th of May ?
Clarice : That ? s the plan .
Beata : The trouble is that one of our deadlines has been moved so we need at least some of the components 10th of May . The new would mean we need at least one shipment early probably by air .
Clarice : Hmm . Difficult . That would put a real on the budget . We planned to ship everything by sea . It was to be part of the for the UK
Beata : There ? s no flexibility I ? m afraid . We really need the components earlier , two weeks earlier in .
Clarice : Ok , I understand your . I think we can do it . Just let me recalculate the budget . There ? ll be costs .
Beata : But , is that really our responsibility ? The original shipment was by the 9th of May , you changed it the 28th .
Clarice : That was all with Daniel . Arrangements have been made . If we had known , we would shipped earlier .

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