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Do and make expressions / Modal verbs for advice

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Do and make expressions / Modal verbs for adviceVersión en línea

Read the conversation and complete it with the words that are missing

por Pedro Torres Hernandez

would ought do want make better done make do do rather had

A : Are you ready to present your final project ?
B : Not really . Actually I haven't my project yet
A : That's not good . I told you to work on it . I know you're a little lazy but you can progress little by little . If only you were more responsible
B : I know . I to something now . If not I'll fail the whole course .
A : Yeah , you better ask for an extension or something . You might to talk to the teacher to see if it's possible .
B : This is a mess . I rather just take a bunch of exams instead of working on a project .
A : I know what you mean but if you want to finish on time , You had start now . I'm pretty sure you will a really good job .
B : Thanks but if I don't , just promise me that you will not fun of me during the presentation .
A : You know what . I'm gonna my homework and then help you with your project . I would rest right now but it seems to me that you need some help desperately .
B : I really appreciate it .

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