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New Vocabulary | Practice B1

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Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

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New Vocabulary | Practice B1Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

downs coincidence of outcome piece jealous whale cons

1 . The children had a of a time at the birthday party with all the fun games and activities .
2 . Let's consider the pros and of moving to a new city before making a final decision .
3 . For her , playing the piano is a of cake ; she has been practicing since she was five .
4 . Their relationship has had its ups and , but they always manage to work things out .
5 . She couldn't help feeling of her friend's success in landing the dream job .
6 . Despite facing numerous challenges , she remained capable handling the demanding project .
7 . It was a weird to meet my old friend in such a remote place .
8 . The of the experiment was highly unpredictable .

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