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The power of persuasion. PII

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The power of persuasion. PIIVersión en línea

Complete the text using the suggested words. Be careful! Some of the answers are a word pair.

por Karla Juliana Gutierrez

consumers development mass publicity

Humanoid robots are becoming ever more like humans , thanks to the rapid advances in computer and the creativity of their designers . But why have robots taken on a human form ? Is it to make the feel more comfortable with them or is it because of the they generate for the firms that make them ?


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It is certainly true that humanoid robots are a wonderful for the likes of Honda and Sony . Asimo , the humanoid robot from Honda , is capable of a perfect product showing what it can do by walking on stage at all the industry's major to collect awards for the company . Toyota organized a huge media to inform the world about Partner , their robot who plays the trumpet . Sony's QRIO understands a small number of voice commands and with its wireless connection to the , it can broadcast what its camera eyes see .


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But it is also true that these companies see their robots becoming mass products . Hideki Komiyama of Sony has no doubts . 'Robots are going to be a part of everyday life , ' he says , 'and will become as common in the future as are today .

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