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Step 9 L2 Grammar practice

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Step 9 L2 Grammar practice

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Step 9 L2 Grammar practiceVersión en línea

Step 9 L2 Grammar practice

por Yaroslava Masiuk

got got got Has got have got haven't haven't haven't got have got got got has has Have got has

My mom ( + ) long red hair and brown eyes .

I ( - ) any uncles or aunts , because my parents ( - ) any brothers or sisters .

Mary and Felix both ( + ) straight red hair and freckles .

- you any cousins ? - Yes , I 4 cousins .

His sister ( + ) broad shoulders , she plays basketball a lot .

- she a husband ? - No , she doesn ? t want to marry .

Max ( - ) a moustache - he is very young !

We often go to the beach and lie under the sun , so we ( - ) fair skin .

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