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Future going to (D)

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Complete the sentences with the correct verb in future

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Future going to (D)Versión en línea

Complete the sentences with the correct verb in future

por Eva Rufes

watch stay walk wash do down lie eat wear give

Complete the sentences with the correct verb in future " going to "
- My hands are dirty . I am going to it
- What are you going to to the party tonight
- I don't want to go home by bus . I am going to
- John is going to London next week . He is going to with some friends
- I'm hungry . I am going to
- It's Sharon's birthday next week . We are going to her a present
- Sue says she is feeling very tired . She is going to for an hour
- There is a good film on TV this evening . Are you going to it ?
- What is Rachel going to when she leaves school ?

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