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Fill in the gaps. Present perfect continuous (D)

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This is an interesting and creative activity to fill in the gaps with the present perfect continuous

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Edad recomendada: 18 años
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Fill in the gaps. Present perfect continuous (D)Versión en línea

This is an interesting and creative activity to fill in the gaps with the present perfect continuous

por Eva Rufes

helping driving been losing working arriving have winning travelling been been has been has selling have been have been been been watching have have have has been learning have been

- I him with his homework .
- They since this morning .
- Jack for three hours .
- Most people on time for the show .
- We every football match this season .
- The bike ? s tyres air .
- She French words for hours but she still doesn't remember all of them
- He hard to increase his income recently .
- The flowers well today .
- The children videos for two hour s

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