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Practice topic II

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Complete the text using the suggested words.

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Practice topic IIVersión en línea

Complete the text using the suggested words.

por Karla Juliana Gutierrez

over budget on contractor took time delay place glitches take behind

In 1992 , Bechtel Corporation of America was appointed as the lead for the construction of the new Athens underground rail system . The aim was to have it ready for the Olympic Games , which were to in the city in 2004 , but the complexity of the project was so great that few people believed it would be completed There was also concern that the costs would exceed the initial of $3 . 4 billion . Despite the caused by the
time - consuming excavation of the many archaeological finds and by occasional with technical equipment , Bechtel ensured that construction didn't get . Once the project had been completed , Attiko Metro SA , a newly formed private company , the management of the new network , which carries an estimated 400 , 000 passengers every day .

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