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Past Continuous (D)

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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in Past Continuous tense.

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Past Continuous (D)Versión en línea

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in Past Continuous tense.

por Luis Eduardo Navas Acevedo

1 . He an e - mail when the phone rang . ( Affirmative ) ( Write )
2 . I dinner while Melanie was working upstairs . ( Affirmative ) ( Prepare ) ( Work )
3 . They at the party last night . ( Affirmative ) ( Dance )
4 . My mom paste yesterday . ( Negative ) ( Cook )
5 . you the concert of realistic songs ? ( Interrogarive ) ( Enjoy )
6 . I the cricket match on television . ( Negative ) ( Watch )
7 . He to sing the song for the program . ( Affirmative ) ( Practice )
8 . Was you him to do the task ? ( Interrogative ) ( Help )
9 . you in that market . ( Interrogative ) ( Shop )
10 . I different kinds of songs , especially modern . ( Affirmative ) ( Sing )


The is formed by using the of ( was / were ) followed by the ( - ing form ) of the main verb . It is used to describe an that was in at a specific point in the past . For example : 'I was studying when my friend called . ' The past continuous can also be used to describe two actions that were happening in the past . For example : 'While I was studying , my friend was watching TV . '

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