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At the doctors

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At the doctorsVersión en línea

Complete the conversations by using the right words

por Eduardo Garcia

come yourself help help alleviate got assist

Doctor : Hello , I'm Dr . Johnson . How can I you today ?

Patient : Good morning , Dr . Johnson . I'm here because I've frequent headaches .

Doctor : I understand . I'm here to you . To your symptoms , I suggest taking pain relievers like ibuprofen . Please , take them according to the recommended dosage .

Patient : Thank you , Dr . Johnson . I appreciate your .

Doctor : You're welcome . Take care of , and if you still feel unwell , back and see me again .


improve avoiding see evaluation time I've

Doctor : Good afternoon , I'm Dr . Martinez . How can I help you today ?

Patient : Hello , Dr . Martinez . got stomachaches , and that's why I'm here .

Doctor : I see . Let's if we can find a solution . What did you eat on weekdays ? Is there anything specific that makes you feel unwell ?

Patient : I'm not sure , but I think spicy food may be the reason .

Doctor : It's possible . Why don't you try spicy food for a while and see if the stomachaches ? If you still experience discomfort , come back for further .

Patient : Alright , I'll give it a try . Thank you for your , Dr . Martinez .

Doctor : You're welcome . Take care of yourself , and if you have any concerns , don't hesitate to reach out .


for taking concerned concerns side drinking sore relievers

Doctor : Good morning , I'm Dr . Anderson . How can I help you today ?

Patient : Hello , Dr . Anderson . I've got a throat , and that's why I'm here .

Doctor : I understand how uncomfortable that can be . Let's see what we can do . To alleviate your symptoms , I recommend warm liquids , like tea with honey , to soothe your throat . You should also take pain if needed .

Patient : Thank you , Dr . Anderson . I'm about the possible side effects of the medication .

Doctor : I understand your . The pain relievers I recommend are generally safe when taken as directed . If you experience any unusual effects , please stop them and consult with me . I appreciate your help in monitoring your health .

Patient : I will , Dr . Anderson . Thank you your time .

Doctor : You're welcome . Take care of yourself , and if your sore throat persists or worsens , come back and see me again .

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