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If at first you don't succeed - 2

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Edad recomendada: 20 años
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If at first you don't succeed - 2

Fill in the blanks.

Maryam Aflaki Jalali

of any pairs everywhere pair a many anyone

Husband and wife team Steven Sashen and Lena Phoenix were inspired by Mexican running sandals to create Xero Shoes . Steven enjoyed running barefoot , but he realized that being barefoot was not always possible . So he wanted to make sandals that were as close to being barefoot as possible . Lena found that the sandals that Steven made for her were great to hike in , too . And their friends always wanted to know how they could get a pair of those sandals !

Steven and Lena went on " Shark Tank " in 2013 , but they couldn't make a deal with of the " Sharks . " Since then , though , their company has been successful selling of shoes to athletes , runners who wants the feeling of walking barefoot !