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Business Result B1_Unit 11_Gaps

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Choose the correct word to complete the gaps.

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Business Result B1_Unit 11_GapsVersión en línea

Choose the correct word to complete the gaps.


delegate evaluate invites reached up avoid prioritize ignoring

He disables access to his email on his phone to work distractions while away .
It's always difficult to work , school , and family .
Linda loves working with passionate entrepreneurs to solve business challenges , options and make decisions about the future of their products and services .
Our client hasn't a firm decision on the matter yet .
The company suggestions from customers .
We couldn't make our minds , so we decided to toss for it .
You can always suggest someone else on your team that might be able to handle some of the work , but I wouldn't directly to others unless you're specifically given that authority .
Your attention selectively focuses on only the most pressing needs , often important tasks and decisions .

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