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Presentations - Signalling the end

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Presentations - Signalling the endVersión en línea

Fill int he blacnks to create phrases

por Richard Davenport

attentive being insights express

1 . Thanking the presentation attendees :
a . " Thank you all for your presence and valuable throughout the presentation . "
b . " I would like to my gratitude to each and every one of you for here today . "


more may encourage fruitful

2 . Inviting questions :
a . " Now , I'd be than happy to address any questions or concerns you have . "
b . " I you to share your thoughts , ask questions , and engage in a discussion . "


recap essential drawbacks explored

3 . Summarizing :
a . " To , we discussed the key findings , highlighted the main strategies , and potential challenges . "
b . " In summary , we covered the aspects , including the benefits , , and recommended actions . "


conclude active appreciation end

4 . Signaling the end of the presentation :
a . " As we come to the of our session , I want to express my once again for your time and attention . "
b . " With that , I today's presentation . Thank you all for your participation . "


conclusion findings regard supports

5 . Stating a conclusion :
a . " In , the data strongly the need for implementing these proposed measures . "
b . " To conclude , the demonstrate the significance of taking immediate action in this . "

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