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Studying B1

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Studying B1Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

achieve well breaks skills unexpected urgent require essential set amount

1 . Reliable study materials are for improving your understanding of a subject .
2 . It is essential to realistic goals when studying to achieve good results .
3 . The of information to learn can feel enormous , but with consistent effort , you can overcome it .
4 . Regular practice is key to improving your language .
5 . To success in your exams , it is important to have a study plan in place .
6 . Some subjects a lot of concentration and focus to understand .
7 . If you have an deadline for an assignment , it's important to manage your time effectively .
8 . Sometimes , studying can be weird because you come across concepts or ideas .
9 . Utilizing reliable sources of information is essential for writing a - researched paper .
10 . Taking while studying is essential to maintain focus and avoid burnout .

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