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Vocabulary blog

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Complete the sentences with the right word.

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Vocabulary blogVersión en línea

Complete the sentences with the right word.

por Eduardo Garcia

home menu contact responsive navigation browser link adverts search content

1 . I prefer using Chrome as my default because it's fast and reliable .
2 . I saw some interesting for new smartphones while browsing the internet .
3 . Click on the to download the brochure .
4 . You can find our details on the website's 'Contact Us' page .
5 . The website's main is organized into categories for easy navigation .
6 . The design team worked hard to create a layout that looks great on all devices .
7 . The page features a slideshow showcasing our latest products .
8 . The website has clear and intuitive , making it easy to find what you're looking for .
9 . The function on the website allows you to find articles based on keywords .
10 . The on their blog is always well - written and engaging .

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