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Phrasal verbs celebrities

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Phrasal verbs celebritiesVersión en línea

Complete the sentences with the right phrasal verb.

por Eduardo Garcia

for around look to out came on look settle up out break stand caught into lived going up to down in started on down

1 . The new dance move quickly and soon everyone was trying it at parties .
2 . The actor a lot of criticism after his controversial remarks in the interview .
3 . There's a rumor that the famous singer is planning a comeback tour .
4 . The award - winning actress had a stellar performance that the high expectations of her fans and critics .
5 . Some people in the industry reality TV shows , considering them to be of lesser quality than scripted dramas .
6 . He as a junior graphic designer and eventually became a renowned art director .
7 . The talented actress managed to Hollywood and starred in several blockbuster movies .
8 . Many aspiring musicians the legendary rock star for his talent and groundbreaking contributions to music .
9 . Her incredible vocal range and stage presence make her among other singers in the music industry .
10 . After years of touring and performing , the musician decided to and start a family .

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