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Common Collocation | Practice

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Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

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Common Collocation | PracticeVersión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

take make ensure pang up break of exhibition

1 . It took me a while to come with a solution to the problem , but I finally figured it out .
2 . Have you visited the new at the museum ? It's supposed to be really interesting .
3 . Seeing an old photo of my hometown brought a of nostalgia to my heart .
4 . In order to avoid getting sick , it's important to preventive measures like washing your hands frequently .
5 . Before leaving the office , please that all the windows are closed and the lights are turned off .
6 . As a manager , it's important to take care your employees' needs and concerns .
7 . She was able to the record in the 100 - meter race , much to the surprise of everyone watching .
8 . By investing in the stock market at the right time , he was able to a fortune .

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