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Practice: Woefully - Turn in

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Fill in the gaps with the right words or expressions

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Edad recomendada: 16 años
6 veces realizada

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Practice: Woefully - Turn inVersión en línea

Fill in the gaps with the right words or expressions

por L L

caveat turn turn woefully sizzle corner in the

HR Business Partner ( HRBP ) : The last training received inadequate feedback . We need to it up for the next one .

Product Designer : Agreed , but there's a . We shouldn't sacrifice content quality for excitement . It needs to be a balance between sizzle and substance .

Developer : Absolutely . The training must practical knowledge , not just a flashy show .

UI / UX Product Designer : We can add interactive elements and real - life examples to make it more engaging . Let's and deliver an exciting session .

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