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Simple past of the verb to be

Completar frases

In this activity the student identifies the simple past of the ver to be.

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Edad recomendada: 15 años
4 veces realizada

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Completar frases

Simple past of the verb to beVersión en línea

In this activity the student identifies the simple past of the ver to be.

por Daniela Ibarguen

was were were wasn't was was was was were were wasn't were

When I a child , I used to spend much time with my mom , though at times I playing with my friends in the neighborhood .
My mom didn't like I spent time with my friends ; she a little cautious and feared that something happened to me if I by her side , given that my friends a kind of messy . Therefore she all the time trying to make me happy so I didn't deviate from her side , because she just counted me as her company .
My father with us , because they've separated . But , we really happy despite of his absence ? Well , though we got sad at times , we truly .
My mom liked we went out to have fun and have pleasant moments in other places out of the house to spend time in some family meetings and also visiting some friends , and even when every so often I felt bored in those places , I also enjoyed sharing together with them .
To be honest , my mom and I had wonderful moments when we together . It also nice to spend time with her in parties , ice cream parlors , family hiking and in other fantastic places . Those moments the best I could have in my childhood .

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