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A 1.1 L26 CP cards

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Complete the dialogue with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets

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A 1.1 L26 CP cardsVersión en línea

Complete the dialogue with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets

por Yaroslava Masiuk

Rick : Hi , Sue . How are you ? It's great to see you . What ( do ) at the moment ?

Sue : Hi , Rick . Well , I ( not live ) here in London any more . I ( live ) in New York !

Rick : Wow , how exciting . I ( really want ) to go to New York . What ( do ) here in London ?

Sue : I ( visit ) my family and I ( work ) here for two weeks . My company has an office here so I ( come ) here five or six times a year .

Rick : That's great . What's your job ?

Sue : I ( work ) for NY Clothes . Do you know it ?

Rick : Yes ! I buy all my clothes there .

Sue : Is that an NY jacket that you ( wear ) ?

Rick Yes , it is . I just love it !

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