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Max and fire | B2

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Max and fire | B2Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

named upon wooden realized for abandoned musty discovered explaining sharing fascination careful at desperation holding prevent by

Once a time , there was a boy Max who had a morbid with fire . Whenever he saw a flame , he couldn't help but stare it , his breath as he watched the flickering light dance before his eyes .

One day , Max was out playing in the woods when he stumbled upon an old building . As he explored the dark and interior , he noticed a strange glow coming from the corner of the room . Curious , Max cautiously approached the source of the light and an old lantern .

Without thinking , Max reached out to hold the lantern , his fingers closing around the cold metal handle . Suddenly , the lantern flickered to life , casting a warm glow around the room . Max was mesmerized the dancing flame , entranced by its beauty .

But as he stared at the lantern , Max suddenly that he was holding a lit flame dangerously close to the old , dry walls of the building . Panic set in as he tried to extinguish the flame , but it seemed to only grow stronger .

Max knew that he had to act fast to a disaster . He searched frantically for something to douse the flame with , but found nothing . In , Max ran out of the building and into the woods , hoping to find help .

As he ran , Max stumbled upon a group of firefighters who were searching a lost hiker . Max begged for their help , the situation with the lantern and the building . The firefighters followed Max back to the building and quickly extinguished the fire before it could cause any damage .

From that day on , Max never looked at fire in the same way . He had learned that his fascination with fire could lead to dangerous situations , and he worked hard to surpass his attraction to the flame . Instead , Max became an advocate for fire safety , his story with others to encourage them to be around fire .

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