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Fill in the gaps: Adelante Africa

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Fill in the gaps: Adelante AfricaVersión en línea

fill in the gaps with the missing words

por María Juana Mucci

on amazed arrived was safari charity hasn shelter could raise weren't village orphans friendly

The Adelante Africa was started in 2008 . That
summer a group of Spanish and British tourists had
travelled to Uganda on to see the mountain
gorillas . Half way through the trip , in a small rural
called Igayaza , the lorry they were travelling in
broke down . While a mechanic repaired the lorry , the
group took in a nearby building . It was a
primary school for , children without parents ,
but it was in terrible condition . The walls were falling
down , the blackboards were broken , and there
many desks . But the children were wonderful ,
very bright and . One of the tourists a
primary school teacher , and she started teaching
them English songs . She was at how quickly
they learned . When they left they asked the head
teacher how they help , and he said , ? What we
need is a new school ? . When the tourists
home from their holiday , they decided to set up a
charity to money to rebuild the school . Two
years later , the 14th of March 2010 , the new
school opened with 75 children ? and since then
Adelante Africa ? t stopped .

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