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A 1.1 L24

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Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.

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Completar frases

A 1.1 L24Versión en línea

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.

por Yaroslava Masiuk

feel , travel , make ( x2 ) , sleep , have , work , study , get ( x2 )

1 My cousins French in a summer school in Montpellier at the moment .

2 Sandra ? s busy . She breakfast for her family .

3 Kevin and I on this project together .

4 Adam , don ? t do this ! You a huge mistake !

5 Let ? s grab a bite ! I hungry .

6 I a bit sick today , so I want to stay at home and have a rest .

7 Please , be quiet ! The kids .

8 It late so let ? s finish it tomorrow !

9 My parents around Asia at present so you can only talk to them via Skype .

10 Ben came home late last night , so he a lie - in right now .

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