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Common idioms | 2 part

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Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

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Common idioms | 2 partVersión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

lining nine same under gut outside couch

1 . Let's make sure we're on the page before we start this project .
2 . I have a feeling that something isn't right about this situation .
3 . Even though we lost the game , the silver is that we played our best .
4 . I can't come into work today , I'm feeling a bit the weather .
5 . To solve this issue , we need to think the box and come up with some creative solutions .
6 . Since I injured my foot , I've been a bit of a potato and watching TV all day .
7 . After getting a promotion at work , I was on cloud for the rest of the day .

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