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Outcomes B1_Unit 2_Talking about how you feel

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Complete the story with the right word.

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Outcomes B1_Unit 2_Talking about how you feelVersión en línea

Complete the story with the right word.


confused joy disappointment guilty unexpected down furious fed happy confusion appreciate focused cheer

Once upon a time , there was a girl named Sophia . She had been feeling for a while and could not shake off her sadness . She tried everything to up - watching movies , going out with friends , even going on a trip . However , nothing seemed to work , and she was getting more and more about what was causing her . One day , Sophia received an call from her boss , telling her that she did not get the promotion she had been hoping for . She was already up with her job , and this news made her . She thought she had done everything right , and she could not understand why she was passed over for the position . She felt for not being good enough , and this only drove her mad . Sophia decided to take a break and go for a walk in the park . As she was walking , she stumbled upon a group of children playing together . She watched as they laughed and played , and suddenly she realized what was missing from her life - joy . Sophia had been so on her work and getting ahead that she had forgotten to enjoy the little things in life . From that day on , Sophia decided to live her life with more and to the unexpected moments that life brings . She learned that disappointment and are a part of life , but they do not have to define her . Instead , she chose to focus on the things that make her and to let go of the things that were bringing her down .

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