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Religious vocabulary

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Religious vocabularyVersión en línea

Fill in th gap with the correct words you've studied in the vocabulary

por Mar Wouters

deity scripture salvation polytheism pilgrimage dogma monotheism resurrection devotion devout

1 . My grandma is a Catholic and she goes to church every Sunday .
2 . I find more appealing than polytheism because it's simpler to understand .
3 . I'm not really into all that religious stuff , but I admire her to her faith .
4 . She believes that is possible through good deeds and kind actions .
5 . She's always talking about her favorite celebrity like he's some kind of .
6 . I'm not really religious , so I don't have any or holy texts that I follow .
7 . The idea of after death is fascinating to me , but I'm not sure if I believe in it .
8 . My friends and I are planning a to the music festival next month .
9 . In ancient Egypt , was the dominant religion with many gods and goddesses .
10 . Don't question the of that cult ; they'll kick you out if you do .

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