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Outcomes B1_Unit 1_Talking about languages

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Outcomes B1_Unit 1_Talking about languagesVersión en línea

Complete the story with correct words.


polyglot challenge express fluently picking accurate for dedication mastering get perfect impressive accents struggled

There once was a man named Ryan who had an extraordinary talent languages . Ryan spoke six different languages and was able to by in several more . He had a natural gift for up new languages quickly , but he understood the importance of the intricacies of each one to accurately himself .

Despite his gift , Ryan with one aspect of language learning ? . No matter how hard he tried , he could never quite nail the accent of the language he was learning . This was frustrating for him because he knew how important it was for communication .

Despite this challenge , Ryan never gave up . He continued to study and practice each language diligently until he was able to express himself accurately and fluently . His determination and hard work paid off , and he eventually became a renowned , admired by many for his linguistic abilities .

Ryan's passion for languages never dwindled , and he spent his life traveling the world , taking every opportunity to learn and new languages . He became a true master of language , able to communicate with people from all corners of the globe .

In the end , Ryan realized that his struggle with accents was just a minor setback in his journey to becoming a polyglot . He was grateful for the because it made him work even harder to achieve his goals . Ryan's story is a testament to the power of hard work , , and the love of learning .

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