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Listening | Interviews B1-B2Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

tremendously with grateful to insecure minuscule underestimate of kind

1 . She was known for her - hearted nature , always willing to help others in need .
2 . After finally achieving her dream job , she was satisfied her career path .
3 . The little girl was scared the dark and always slept with a nightlight on .
4 . Despite her success , she still felt about her abilities and talents .
5 . The insect crawled along the blade of grass .
6 . Never the power of a good education .
7 . In order succeed in today's market , it's important to diversify your investments .
8 . I am for my family and friends who support me through thick and thin .
9 . The new restaurant was popular , with customers lining up out the door .

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