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Phrasal verbs

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Phrasal verbsVersión en línea

practice Phrasal verbs

por Carlos Espejel lopez

up of up by by through by on through on with over after from outside

Sarah put her favorite dress for the party .

After finishing his breakfast , John went to take a walk .

The leaves turned green to yellow in the fall .

The flower bed was budding colorful flowers in the spring .

Snow was falling the ground , covering everything in white .

The tennis ball hit the leaves the tree and fell back onto the court .

The cars on the highway were blowing at high speeds .

The elevator carried us to the top floor of the building .

The dog ran the ball and brought it back to his owner .

The athlete was jumping the hurdles with ease .

The dancer was dodging the other performers on stage .

The sun parted the clouds and shone onto the landscape .

The boats were drifting on the calm lake .

After finishing his meal , Tom got to leave the restaurant .

A hummingbird fluttered the window , catching Sarah's attention .

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