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Academic writing 1 | Collocations

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Academic writing 1 | CollocationsVersión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

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Alex had always been interested genetics , and he worked tirelessly to a significant contribution to the field . His groundbreaking research focused the role of certain genes in the development of cancer , and he became convinced that a particular gene was a factor in the disease . To his claim , Alex conducted numerous experiments , each more precise and concise than the last . Though his work was often met with skepticism , Alex remained resolute and continued to engage in research that supported his theory . , his findings were confirmed by other scientists , and Alex's work became a example of the importance of persistence and diligence in scientific discovery . the many challenges he faced along the way , Alex never wavered in his commitment to uncovering the about cancer genetics .

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