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Article for Ann | 31.03

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Article for Ann | 31.03Versión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

spread stocks to of with make riddles heartbroken pursue lead dream off

Mary had always dreamed being a successful businesswoman . She was willing to sacrifices in order achieve her goals and started investing in and bonds to build her wealth .
One day , Marry's boss began to harass her at work . Even though she was and upset , she knew she couldn't let this hold her back from pursuing her . She decided to report the harassment to HR and was relieved when her company took the situation seriously .
To distract herself from the stress of the situation , Marry began engaging in mental exercises like solving in her free time . She found it helpful to maintain a positive attitude and focus on her goals , even during difficult times .
Despite the harassment , Marry was determined to her dream of becoming a successful businesswoman . She enrolled in an online MBA program and began networking with other professionals in her industry .
Marry's hard work paid when she was offered a promotion at work . Her boss , who had previously been lenient her , became furious when he found out about her success . He began to false rumors about Marry to her coworkers in an attempt to hold her back .
Marry refused to let her boss's filthy behavior get in the way of her success . She continued to work hard and a life of determination and perseverance . In the end , Marry's sacrifices and hard work paid off and she achieved her dream of becoming a successful businesswoman .

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