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Reading Explorer Intro_2_A_type

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Reading Explorer Intro_2_A_typeVersión en línea

Complete the information using words from the box. Two words are extra.

por Tatiana Muchnick

step learned covered serving developed various ingredient

The hamburger is one of the best - loved foods in the world . In the U . S . alone , people eat more than 14 billion ( 14 , 000 , 000 , 000 ) burgers every year ! But who made the first one ? No one knows for certain , but there are stories about where this favourite food comes from .
In the 1200s , Mongolian soldiers to soften meat by placing it under the saddles of their horses while riding . Then they ate the meat - without cooking it . It was the first kind of " meat patty . "
Hundreds of years later , people in the town of Hamburg , Germany , developed " Hamburg steak " - a dish of salty meat on round bread . They brought this traditional German food with them when they came to live in America in the 1900s .
The " hamburger " that we know today really started in the USA . In 1885 , a man from Wisconsin named Charles Nagreen had the idea of meatballs between pieces of bread . That way , people could eat them while walking . In the same year , a man in Hamburg , New York , sold sandwiches using pork as the main . One day , he did not have enough pork and decided to use beef . Without knowing it , he had a new type of food - one that is now eaten by millions around the world .

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